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7 Games That Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Is “Borrowing” From

So, there it is then. The new trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Except, it's a franchise that's now basically synonymous with creating its sequels using "ctrl + V" shortcuts, so how much of it is really new? It's not a series in its death throes, by any stretch of the imagination, and even middle-of-the-road reviews for last year's Ghosts couldn't stop it from selling $1 billion worth of units in just 24 hours. But overall - compared with the previous Black Ops 2 numbers - sales were down.

7) Halo

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Advanced Warfare 07

Is this a screenshot from Bungie’s seminal Halo: Reach? No, you idiot, it isn’t. It’s a screenshot from the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer, a game that’s five years newer. So what’s going on here then? I mean, just how advanced is Advanced Warfare? Surely it’s not the 538 years ahead that Halo is? I’m pretty sure one of the cars I saw in the trailer was a Honda Civic.

No doubt that Halo was revolutionary and endlessly playable, but can Sledgehammer really recreate that just by aping the futurist aesthetic? Maybe they’re going to go one better and introduce space combat! Oh, no, wait… they already did that in the last game. Seems like they really do have nowhere left to turn when an ostensibly realistic military shooter gives a NASA astronaut an AK-47, just in case.

But it’s that eagerness to jump the shark just to sell that makes me think that maybe a Halo-esque game might not be that far off the mark. The last game wasn’t afraid to introduce aliens into its longevity-adding arcade multiplayer, why not add it into the main storyline either?

In fairness, though, it does have Kevin Spacey in it, so it will probably be amazing. You’ve seen House of Cards, right?

What do you think? Seen it all before, or an exciting new direction? Let us know below!