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7 Next-Gen Games We Desperately Want To See At E3 2014

It comes around quick, doesn't it? Seems like only yesterday that Microsoft were announcing the terribly exciting Killer Instinct and now we're already bored of it. They also announced they'd move both Heaven and Earth to stop you playing used games, you filthy cheapskate. And look how that turned out. Sony's Jack Tretton joyfully trolled them for it at the time, though, much to the delight of a whooping, Jerry Springer crowd. And then Nintendo probably revealed some stuff, too, but who really cares about that?

7) The Last Guardian

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The Last Guardian

A couple of years ago I wrote a piece about my E3 predictions for games that would be playable in 2012. Since The Last Guardian had been revealed two years previously, I thought it was a safe bet to say Sony would finally let us have a go on it. Perhaps that was wishful thinking. Perhaps it still is. Either way, we’ve seen nothing about it for four years now, and it’s starting to break our hearts.

It began development way back in 2007, and from the small tidbits we have actually been shown, it looks like it will live up to its impressive pedigree. Developers Team Ico worked wonders on the PlayStation 2, creating critically acclaimed, commercially successful works of stunning, thought-provoking, interactive art with both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.

More recently there have been signs of hope, too, with the Sony’s president Shuhei Yoshida stating that he has been waiting for the right time to re-introduce the game since it has been “re-engineered.” That could only mean for the new PlayStation 4 technology, right? And what better time to reintroduce it than the world’s biggest games fair?

Team Ico’s games’ creator Fumito Ueda also said in August of last year that the game was indeed still in development, but Sony’s Japan studios were giving it a back seat in order to finish Knack. Well, now that ridiculous, boring piece of shit is finally behind us, we’re all praying that the development of the game that the whole world would rather be playing is sitting up front again. Personally, I want this game to happen almost more than I want the next breath in my body. Here’s hoping.

What games are you waiting to finally see unveiled at E3? Let us know in the comments below!