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7 Things We Want To See In Halo 5: Guardians

"Xbox One allows us to do things we've never done before." These are the words of Bonnie Ross - general manager of current Halo-making people 343 Industries - and they're blindingly obvious. Of course advanced technology will let you do more advanced stuff, but just what that stuff is is likely to be a mystery for quite a while yet. We can safely assume it means the game will have a brand new engine, and subsequently look divine, but who cares about that? Okay, fine... everyone. But Halo 5: Guardians is still going to need a whole bunch more to keep the franchise interesting.

3) An even better Forge

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Halo Reach Forge TRex

Assuming that’s possible, of course. Forge is just about as good as it gets when it comes to map editing as a gameplay mode. If it were any more clever it would be LittleBigPlanet. Since Halo 3, players’ ingenuity has been consistently displayed, with all manner of crazy map designs and custom game modes being shared around the community like goodwill at Christmas. Some of it was simply amazing. Incredible visions of blended level design and art. Some (like the T-Rex above) were just a bit shit. Ironically cool, though, because hey, it’s a freakin’ T-Rex.

In its current state as a mini Minecraft, it’s provided limitless joy – and undoubtedly added countless hours of playtime – to every game it has been in since. Imagine what would be possible with all the extra horsepower that the Xbox One permits. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone managed to build a scale replica of New York City, or somewhere equally spectacular. Like Slough. Guardians would do nothing but benefit from the extensive toolset of a Forge 3.0, and we’d do nothing but be delighted.