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7 Things We Want To See In Halo 5: Guardians

"Xbox One allows us to do things we've never done before." These are the words of Bonnie Ross - general manager of current Halo-making people 343 Industries - and they're blindingly obvious. Of course advanced technology will let you do more advanced stuff, but just what that stuff is is likely to be a mystery for quite a while yet. We can safely assume it means the game will have a brand new engine, and subsequently look divine, but who cares about that? Okay, fine... everyone. But Halo 5: Guardians is still going to need a whole bunch more to keep the franchise interesting.

1) Custom game options

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Oh Halo 4, how you wished you had Call of Duty‘s multiplayer. You know what the absolute best thing about Halo‘s multiplayer before was before that? That it was nothing like Call of Duty‘s. And so, in a way, what we’re gunning for here is regression. Regression back to the days of near endless customization options and super-great game modes like Juggernaut or Infection. Regression back to the days before it was given perks, for some inexplicable reason. Having a ‘sprint’ perk was verging on blasphemy.

Halo 4 took way too much away from a tried and tested (and insanely popular) part of the game, and replaced it with something too little, too generic. Players would pump in hundreds of extra hours thanks to custom options so vastĀ that it was almost possible to play a completely different match every single time you picked the pad up. Get that bit right again, and it’s basically a license to print money (as if it wasn’t already). It might even be enough to stop you from playing Destiny

We’re all cool with keeping theĀ jetpacks though. BECAUSE JETPACKS.

What would you guys love (or hate) to see in Halo 5: Guardians. Let us know below!