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Apex Legends Season 5 Makes Big Changes To Mirage

One of Apex Legends' least-played legends has received a substantial rework with Season 5. We are, of course, referring to holographic trickster Mirage, who has found himself struggling to compete with top-tier picks like Wraith and Octane for some time. A large part of the character's weakness has historically been due to his generally unimpactful toolkit, especially the decoy-generating Psyche Out, which, despite its intended function as misdirection, was often immediately recognisable as a fake to any player with a working pair of eyes.

Apex Legends Mirage

One of Apex Legends‘ least-played heroes has received a substantial rework with Season 5.

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We are, of course, referring to holographic trickster Mirage, who has found himself struggling to compete with top-tier picks like Wraith and Octane for some time. A large part of the character’s weakness has historically been due to his generally unimpactful toolkit, especially the decoy-generating Psyche Out, which, despite its intended function as misdirection, was often immediately recognizable as a fake to any player with a working pair of eyes.

Clearly just as dissatisfied with Mirage’s reputation as everyone else, Respawn has finally seen fit to roll out a number of improvements to the Legend which sees almost every ability altered to some degree. Continue through the break below for a full breakdown of how the slippery customer now operates on the battlefield.

  • Tactical: Psyche Out
    • Pressing the character utility action button allows Mirage to gain control of his decoy.
    • When controlling the decoy, it will mimic Mirage’s every move.
    • Decoys now last for 60 seconds.
    • Releasing another decoy will remove the previous decoy.
  • Ultimate: Life of the Party
    • Mirage deploys a team of decoys that mimic his every move (think “Emergency Dance Party” from DUMMIEs Big Day).
    • Cooldown 60 seconds.
  • Passive: Now You See Me…
    • In addition to cloaking when downed, Mirage also cloaks while using a respawn beacon and reviving a teammate (the teammate is also cloaked).
  • Mirage’s “You got Bamboozled” line will now trigger when you bamboozle an enemy, instead of when you release a decoy.

As we said, the adjustments are extensive, to say the least, especially in regards to Mirage’s ultimate, which has been changed completely from the original Vanishing Act. With any luck, this renewed suite of abilities will make his presence on the battlefield one to be cautious of rather than ignored.

If you consider yourself a Mirage main, be sure to let us know what you think of the new and improved version delivered with Apex Legends Season 5 in the usual place below!