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[Updated] Bayonetta 2 Trailer Shows Off Made Over Protagonist

There's been a lot of talk (and anger) surrounding the Wii U exclusivity of Platinum Games' eagerly anticipated sequel, Bayonetta 2. It's understandable that those without interest in the console are upset that they may not be able to play the game, but snapping up its rights was a smart move by Nintendo, giving their touchscreen-intensive device a high profile selling feature.

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UPDATE: Joystiq is reporting that a 2-player mode was confirmed for Bayonetta 2, during another Nintendo event. New screenshots have also been added to this post.

There’s been a lot of talk (and anger) surrounding the Wii U exclusivity of Platinum Games’ eagerly anticipated sequel, Bayonetta 2. It’s understandable that those without interest in the console are upset that they may not be able to play the game, but snapping up its rights was a smart move by Nintendo, giving their touchscreen-intensive device a high profile selling feature.

Expectedly, this morning’s Nintendo Direct E3 livestream featured the latest trailer for said game, offering us a look at a newly shorn version of the titular witch. Eschewing her long-haired look for a much shorter style hasn’t affected her combat skills, though, because the featured action is fast, furious, bloody and brutal.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Bayonetta 2 will launch in 2014.