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Bayonetta And Corrin Will Join The Super Smash Bros. Roster In 2016

After yesterday's reveal that DLC for Super Smash Bros. would be ending next year, expectations were high for today's Nintendo Direct. The Big N didn't let us down, though, as the publisher announced that Platinum Games' Bayonetta and Fire Emblem Fates' Corrin will join the title's roster in 2016.

After yesterday’s reveal that DLC for Super Smash Bros. would be ending next year, expectations were high for today’s Nintendo Direct. Thankfully, the Big N didn’t let us down, though, as the publisher announced that Platinum Games’ Bayonetta and Fire Emblem Fates‘ Corrin will join the title’s roster in 2016.

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Chosen by fans across Europe and North America, Bayonetta is yet another face from outside Nintendo’s first-party releases to show-up in the massively popular brawler. The long-haired witch has starred in two of the best action titles of the past decade, and will now bring her unique blend of skills to the world of Super Smash Bros. in 2016. The DLC will also include an additional Jeanne skin, as well as the Umbra Clock Tower level.

Scheduled to launch in February, Corrin is a bit of an unknown quantity to North American and European gamers. Hailing from the soon to be released Fire Emblem Fates, Corrin will be available in both male and female flavors, much like the Wii Fit Instructor. Unlike Bayonetta, however, the fighter does not come packed with an additional level. Instead, Corrin will be bundled alongside two new music tracks, as well as two trophies exclusive to the 3DS version.

I think it goes without saying that Nintendo has done an excellent job of supporting Super Smash Bros. over the past year. The DLC has constantly been worth shelling out the cash for, and has really added to an already sizable fighter. Bayonetta and Corrin are two interesting, but wholly welcome, combatants, and I’m looking forward to testing the two out come next year.

Tell us, are you interested in brawling with Bayonetta and Corrin in Super Smash Bros. when they release? Sound off below!