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Bethesda Says News Relating To The Evil Within DLC Is Imminent

Shortly after The Evil Within launched onto consoles, PCs and slap bang into the center of our nightmares back in October, publisher Bethesda assured fans that news pertaining to additional content for the horror title would arrive in the early stages of 2015.


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Shortly after The Evil Within launched onto consoles, PCs and slap bang into the center of our nightmares back in October, publisher Bethesda assured fans that news pertaining to additional content for the horror title would arrive in the early stages of 2015.

From what we understand, the company intends on releasing three story-centric slices of DLC for Shinji Mikami’s exercise in nerve-shredding fear, with the first expected to arrive in the spring. And while Bethesda is remaining coy on specific release dates at this time, the company took to Twitter to confirm that news relating to what we assume will be the first post-launch installment is imminent.

According to Bethesda, the downloadable content will see players step into the shoes of detective Juli Kidman (voiced by Dexter star Jennifer Carpenter) for the first and second installments, while the finale will orbit around The Keeper, The Evil Within‘s safe-headed monstrosity.

Tell us, are you excited to return to Tango Gameworks’ horrifying adventure with these upcoming DLC packs? Or do you feel as though the moment has passed for Mikami’s return to the genre he helped define? Let us know using the comments section below.