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Call Of Duty: Black Ops Zombie Weapon Guide

If there’s one thing videogames have taught us lately, it’s that zombies are essential for success, and Call of Duty: Black Ops is proof of that. After creating a sleeper hit with an afterthought zombie onslaught mode in World at War, Treyarch focused on upping the ante with new downloadable content up until the release of what is now the largest selling game of all time. Millions of gamers are addicted to fighting off the hungry waves of the dead, and with new perks, weapons, enemies and maps available, one play through a night is not enough to satisfy the urge of reaching the next round.

Light Machine Guns and Assault Rifles

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Any veteran zombie player can tell you how important light machine guns are for survival. They have the most ammo for a gun and each bullet does enough damage to take down a horde full of approaching zombies. However, if your line of sight is breached and your surrounded it’s time to switch to your backup weapon because LMG’s are not made for fighting up close and personal. That’s where assault rifles are required; they can shoot long distances and are light enough to sprint with. The HK21 fires at a slower speed as well its reload time, but its ammo capacity is the largest for any weapon.

The RPK is just the opposite, with a faster rate of fire and reload, but with less ammo. Either one you choose is basically preference, they both deliver at killing zombies exceptionally well. Assault rifles have the most guns for any class available, so you have multiple choices. No particular one is worse than another, like in multiplayer, there are subtle tweaks for each gun that make them different. The M14 is a good affordable weapon right off the bat and the GII, M16, and FN FAL are terrific at lining up headshots. The Galil, AUG, Famas and Commando are all automatic and vary in ammo capacity (the Galil has the most). Again, it’s your fondness of a certain rifle that determines which is best, so any one is a safe investment to help get to later rounds.

Light Machine Guns

HK21 = H115 Oscillator
RPK = R115 Resonator

Assault Rifles

M16 = SkullCrusher
M14 = Mnesia
Famas = G16-GL35
Galil = Lemantation
AUG = AUG-50M3
Commando = Predator
G11 = G115 Generator

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