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Blitz Games Handling HD Versions Of Epic Mickey 2: The Power Of Two

The recently announced Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is a multi-platform sequel to a Wii-only game. As it turns out, developer Junction Point (led by famed developer, Warren Spector), is needing some extra help to get the game released on additional consoles.

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The recently announced Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is a multi-platform sequel to a Wii-only game. As it turns out, developer Junction Point (led by famed developer, Warren Spector), is needing some extra help to get the game released on additional consoles.

While Spector’s studio will focus on the Wii version, the high-definition Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions will have development help from Blitz Games, the developer behind recent Kinect games like Puss In Boots and Michael Phelps: Push The Limit. Disney’s official statement on the collaboration compared it to development on a feature film, calling it, “a full partnership with one creative leadership team and one creative vision”.

Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is scheduled for release later this year.