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Bluepoint Games Is The Team Behind Titanfall For Xbox 360

Everyone knows that Respawn Entertainment is the development team behind Titanfall for the Xbox One and PC, but now we have official confirmation from CEO Vince Zampella that they are not working on the Xbox 360 version of the upcoming shooter. Instead, Bluepoint Games is handling development duties.


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Everyone knows that Respawn Entertainment is the development team behind Titanfall for the Xbox One and PC, but now we have official confirmation from CEO Vince Zampella that they are not working on the Xbox 360 version of the upcoming shooter. Instead, Bluepoint Games is handling development duties.

Although Bluepoint Games is not exactly a household name, they have handled several big ports in the past. Their previous work includes the likes of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, God of War Collection, The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, the HD version of Flower for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, and the PlayStation Vita version of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. I think it’s safe to say they know their way around a successful port or two.

As someone who does not own an Xbox One or capable PC, but wants to get in on this sweet, sweet Titanfall action, it’s nice to see that the Xbox 360 version is in some capable hands. Sure, the next-gen/PC way is still probably the best way to go for the title, but Bluepoint Games has done some excellent port work and I expect this release to fall in line with their previous efforts.

Titanfall will be launching on March 11 for the Xbox One, PC and Xbox 360. Are any of our Xbox 360 owning readers excited to try out the title now that we know that Bluepoint Games is handling the port?