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Box Art Confirms Star Wars: First Assault For XBLA

Box art for Star Wars: First Assault has turned up online, revealing that the title will be released on XBLA.

Box art for Star Wars: First Assault has turned up online, revealing that the title will be released on XBLA.

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The image, which was spotted by the NeoGAF forums, shows a squad of Storm Troopers in a firefight with a small group of Rebels. That would seem to place the game in the time period of the original Trilogy, however, that is unconfirmed at this point.

Star Wars: First Assault has not yet been announced, but was first revealed by a Lucasfilm trademark last August.

IGN contacted LucasArts about the box art and received this statement: “It is an exciting time at our company right now, however we don’t have any announcements at this time.”

As soon as LucasArts officially announces Star Wars: First Assault we will let you know.

Source: NeoGAF, via IGN