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Call of Duty Elite Paid Features Outlined

We've known since the original announcement that the service wouldn't all be free and at the newly announced price of $50 for a year, Activision better be ready to impress.

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Call of Duty Elite is a pretty nice service, considering it’s free. You get instant PC access to your stats, you get an easy way to communicate with friends and maybe, just maybe, you may improve your play style.

That being said, we’ve known since the original announcement that the service wouldn’t all be free and at the newly announced price of $50 for a year, Activision better be ready to impress.

Personally, I think they’ve offered more than could be expected.

For your $50 you get:

  • All the DLC – You get it earlier and you get it as part of your Call of Duty Elite subscription.
  • Competitions and events – Through Call of Duty Elite you’ll be able to enter contests which could net you both real and virtual prizes. I think the coolest part of this is that there will be different competitions for different people based on skill level, so you won’t have to be the best of the best to take part and do well.
  • Extended Clan Options – You’ll be able to level up your clan, taking a ranking on a leaderboard and fighting off against other clans. Creating and joining a clan will still be completely free.
  • Eight times more video upload space.
  • Exclusive videos by CoD experts. Learn which are the best weapons and techniques for each map and mode.
  • Elite TV – a selection of in-game created content by “Hollywood producers”. Ridley and Tony Scott are producing a show, as are Will Arnett and Jason Bateman.
A year’s subscription to Call of Duty Elite will be included in the Hardened Edition of Modern Warfare 3.