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Carrie Fisher Had A Secret Role In The Original Dishonored

While 2016 has been filled with numerous celebrity deaths, the recent and tragic passing of actress Carrie Fisher has hit the world particularly hard. Best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, her death was felt around the world, with an outpouring of grief coming from her many fans and colleagues.

While 2016 has been filled with numerous celebrity deaths, the recent and tragic passing of actress Carrie Fisher has hit the world particularly hard. Best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, her death was felt around the world, with an outpouring of grief coming from her many fans and colleagues.

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Though Fisher was (without a doubt) a particularly important figure in the world of film and television, her work in video games is far less noteworthy. For the most part, she chose not to lend her voice to any projects, with one of the sole exceptions being the newly recorded lines of dialogue for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

However, it turns out that Fisher recorded a handful of lines for the first Dishonored game as well, which was released back in 2012. As reported by Glixel, her voice can be heard depending on your actions during the “Return to the Tower” mission. If you chose to kill the male propaganda officer stationed in Dunwall Tower, Fisher’s voice would ring out during a public announcement later in the game, commanding the citizens of Dunwall not to “interfere with the regular transfer of deceased persons to disposal centers in the Flooded District,” and that “any disturbance in the region of Dunwall Tower this evening has been the result of a previously scheduled training exercise.”

While her work on the game was fairly minor, the creative director behind DishonoredHarvey Smith, acknowledged her role via Twitter:


Tell us, what are your favorite memories of the iconic actress? Sound off below and let us know!