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Chad Goodmurphy’s 10 Best Video Games Of 2015

Like those before it, 2015 was a busy year for the gaming industry, as it continues to grow and incorporate new technologies. Nothing ever stays dormant or quiet in an industry such as this, and there were no shortages of things to talk about throughout this last calendar year, including technical blunders, public relations screw-ups and different controversies. What we'll remember most, though, are the games. After all, it's the games that we're all obsessed with, and the reason why this business exists.

8) Splatoon

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Although we all hope for great new IPs, the truth is that it’s difficult for companies to make them and developing something fresh always comes at a risk. It’s always safer and more cost-effective to create sequels, and that’s why we see so many of them each year.

Nintendo is one company that I, along with many others, have criticized for resting on its laurels and rehashing the same franchises over and over again. They have a penchant for releasing timeless games and colourful experiences, but the gems are often few and far between, and there’s simply not enough on offer. It’s been a problem for years now, as Nintendo’s consoles have suffered from a lack of third-party support, and it’s something that they seem to have more interest in addressing than they did before.


Over the course of the last year, The Big N rehashed some fan favourites with middling results, and saw what is perhaps its greatest success of 2015 come at the hands of a new IP. I’m not talking about Mario Maker, which I respect a lot, but am referencing Splatoon instead.

Focusing on fast, accessible and infinitely replayable team multiplayer, Splatoon is a game that takes a simple idea and makes it unforgettable. You’re simply a human and squid combo, who must work with his or her team in order to paint more real estate than those on the opposite squad. It’s very basic, but the way that it’s designed makes it an absolute blast to play. Of course, its colourful and stimulating visuals help.

Splatoon is a game that all Wii U owners should own, or at least play at some point in their lives. It’s a fantastic, quirky and colourful new IP, and one that is incredibly addictive. As such, it’s more than deserving of a spot on this end of year list.