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We Got This Covered’s Top 10 Video Games Of 2013

With new iterations in Grand Theft Auto, Pokémon and a rebooted Tomb Raider cramming up the figurative calendar, 2013 could well stand alongside 2007 as one of the most fruitful and indeed successful years in gaming history. What’s more, it will also go down as the year of Microsoft’s bold and abrupt u-turn back in June, which saw the company reverse all DRM facets of the Xbox One — including the mandatory Internet connection and game sharing — in the wake of a passionate backlash from the community.

[h2]6) Tomb Raider[/h2]


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Through the release of its raw and emotional Tomb Raider reboot – which re-established Lara Croft’s tale by harkening back to her heroic origins story – Crystal Dynamics proved that there’s still a lot of gas left in the long-running action/adventure series’ proverbial tank. This was accomplished through intelligent brainstorming and lots of dedication, both of which led to a spectacular and unforgettable final product, which mixed great gameplay with an incredibly rich narrative experience. Thankfully, gamers noticed and gave praise where it was due, as the game received critical acclaim and topped numerous regional sales charts.

The truth is that few of 2013’s digital and interactive experiences stood out more than Tomb Raider did. All of the game’s (campaign-based) mechanics clicked and worked extremely well, and the strong and unforgiving narrative allowed us to bear witness to the making of a gaming legend. Lara Croft is punched, kicked and knocked down regularly, but she always manages to get up and fight back, delivering a strong-willed heroine for the ages.