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Far Cry 4 Is The Toast Of E3 2014

Ubisoft is in a celebratory mood, now that E3 2014 is over and Far Cry 4 has been nominated as Game of Show by several major outlets. They've even taken to the proverbial mountaintops, and shouted it to the world, by creating and releasing a scenic (and action-packed) accolades trailer.


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Ubisoft is in a celebratory mood, now that E3 2014 is over and Far Cry 4 has been nominated as Game of Show by several major outlets. They’ve even taken to the proverbial mountaintops, and shouted it to the world, by creating and releasing a scenic (and action-packed) accolades trailer.

Full of beautiful vistas, hot lead and pissed off elephants, Far Cry 4‘s accolades trailer does a good job of both tooting its developer’s horn and making jaws drop. And, having played the game myself, I’m not surprised by all of the love and celebration, nor can I say I disagree with it. While this exotic sequel didn’t end up being one of my two Game of Show nominations, it came close to doing so, and is something that I cannot wait to get my hands on.

Although we all want to play Far Cry 4 right now, us North American gamers will unfortunately have to wait until November 18th before we’ll be able to pick up a copy of the award-winning shooter. Until then, check out the trailer below and let us know your thoughts on it.