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Dark Souls III Gets A Release Date… But Only For Japan

Dark Souls III developer From Software have just announced a release date for the trilogy-making sequel, but don't get too excited just yet - the March 24, 2016 date specifies the Japanese release only.

Dark Souls 3

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Dark Souls III developer From Software have just announced a release date for the trilogy-making sequel, but don’t get too excited just yet – the March 24, 2016 date specifies the Japanese release only.

That might be ringing all kinds of alarm bells for a potential delay between the Japanese and Western releases of the game, but hold off on the concern for now, at least. Last year’s Bloodborne had its Japanese release date announced prior to the Western version, and that game ended up hitting store shelves two days earlier in North America and Europe than it did in its home country. Additionally, both Dark Souls and Dark Souls II released worldwide on the same date.

Along with the release date announcement, Dark Souls III‘s official product page has been updated to reveal a special edition featuring a game map and physical soundtrack. There’s no word on whether the limited copy of the game will be available anywhere outside of Japan, but you can expect to hear more when it’s officially dated for release overseas.

With the Tokyo Games Show due to start at the tail end of this week, our guess is that From Software will formally announce a global release date there. Either way, they’re sure to be giving fans some new gameplay tasters, so stay tuned for our coverage of the event any new details that emerge.