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Destiny Concerns: The Potential Faults Of This Year’s Biggest Game

Time might seem to be going a bit slowly for Destiny fans right now, but fear not, because the beta is about to launch. Like so many others, my interest in the game has risen considerably since playing the first look alpha. There was a huge difference between seeing video of Destiny, and actually getting to play it myself, and I can now safely say that I am officially exited for this game.

Didn’t I Just Kill You Guys?

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In my time with the alpha, both myself and several friends noticed that enemies in Destiny have a tendency to respawn a little too quickly sometimes. While this can work to your advantage when it comes time to complete a mission that requires players to kill enemies and gather the loot that is dropped, it can occasionally feel a bit frustrating.

This was especially noticeable in the alpha’s only story mission, where you could kill a rather strong enemy standing in the doorway to the first interior area, only to see him and his friends respawn after a few moments if you took too much time exploring the area afterward. And even when surveying the land in the game’s free-roam patrol mode, there were times when I just wanted enemies to stop respawning around me so I could take a look around and actually explore.

Personally, it’s my hope that the final game will limit story missions and strikes with a set amount of enemies, and patrol mode will see a bit more time between respawn waves.