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Destiny Concerns: The Potential Faults Of This Year’s Biggest Game

Time might seem to be going a bit slowly for Destiny fans right now, but fear not, because the beta is about to launch. Like so many others, my interest in the game has risen considerably since playing the first look alpha. There was a huge difference between seeing video of Destiny, and actually getting to play it myself, and I can now safely say that I am officially exited for this game.

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So you’re out exploring one of Destiny‘s massive otherworldly environments, when you see a substantial threat appear before you and decide to join alongside several other players in the common goal of taking on an enemy that would effortlessly destroy you alone. Even Guardians from opposing clans put aside their differences and unite in opposition of a monstrous foe, which is truly a sight to behold.

That’s the idea, at least. In actual execution, things didn’t always work out so nicely, sometimes leading to me to agree to fights that I had no chance to win. When your backup doesn’t arrive, and you find yourself feebly attempting to finish a virtually impossible mission while a clock is ticking down, it’s not a very good feeling. Let’s hope that Bungie can make things a little bit more reliable with the beta and the final version.