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Destiny Concerns: The Potential Faults Of This Year’s Biggest Game

Time might seem to be going a bit slowly for Destiny fans right now, but fear not, because the beta is about to launch. Like so many others, my interest in the game has risen considerably since playing the first look alpha. There was a huge difference between seeing video of Destiny, and actually getting to play it myself, and I can now safely say that I am officially exited for this game.

Intense Three Player Action!

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When it comes to multiplayer, we know that the core game features groups called Fireteams, and each consists of three players. As you explore the game, you may run into other players, and you can join up with them to tackle some of the larger challenges. Other modes will include more than three players, such as competitive multiplayer and raid missions.

What I don’t believe has been clearly explained is why a game would allow for three player co-op, and allow you to run into random players who are also playing online, but not allow you to play the main campaign with more than two of your friends. Perhaps the answer lies in creating balance, as it would be hard to develop an entire campaign that would support anywhere between one and six or more players.

Still, for a game that will be highly appealing to fans of the similar shoot and loot experience that is Borderlands, going from four players to three might be a bit painful for some groups. Even Bungie’s own recent titles all included four player campaign co-op. For whatever reason, the same doesn’t seem to be true for Destiny, and that’s going to be a bit of a shame for the times when four tightly-knit friends may have to break into pairs of two, or ignore the campaign altogether.

At least they’ll be able to take out their frustration in the highly enjoyable competitive multiplayer, but that brings me to another small criticism.