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Leak On EA Server Outs Visceral Games’ Battlefield: Hardline

Reports have been coming in thick and fast about details concerning a new Battlefield game that has supposedly been outed in advance of E3. Titled Battlefield: Hardline, it's said that this most recent instalment will be police-themed, though few concrete details are known. Additionally, series creator DICE has stepped aside, in order to let Dead Space developer Visceral Games take over the reigns.


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Reports have been coming in thick and fast about details concerning a new Battlefield game that has supposedly been outed in advance of E3. Titled Battlefield: Hardline, it’s said that this most recent instalment will be police-themed, though few concrete details are known. Additionally, series creator DICE is said to have stepped aside, in order to let Dead Space developer Visceral Games take over the reigns.

According to sources, the project apparently leaked through some sort of code found on an Electronic Arts server. While there were no real screenshots revealed, we do have some juicy tidbits about classes, vehicles, weapons and game modes to share with you.

Class options will likely include operator, mechanic, enforcer and professional. Going further, two game modes are also being rumoured, those being Blood Money and Heist. Icons and images pertaining to the game can also be found below.

We’re definitely expecting to hear more on Battlefield: Hardline next month at E3, so stay tuned! Until then, let us know what you’d like to see from the next game in this series by heading down to the comments section and sharing your thoughts.
