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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Takes Place Two Years After Human Revolution, New Screens Emerge

Eidos Montreal has premiered a handful of new images for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which will take place two years after Human Revolution.

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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the sci-fi sequel currently in the works at Eidos Montreal, will take place two years on from the events of Human Revolution, according to a new PlayStation Blog post.

In it, the studio’s Executive Narrative Director Mary DeMarle presents an overview of the game’s premise, and why Adam Jensen’s latest adventure is a story that places you in control.

“We wanted to take a look at the human condition in the face of the tragedy that came at the end of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. As Adam Jensen you’re dropped into scenarios where you’re deployed against terrorism and the people behind it — but are they really terrorists? Will you actually see them as ‘evil’ when you encounter them? And how will that affect your decisions?”

Themes of racism and segregation are closely intertwined with the plot of Mankind Divided – heck, it’s in the subtitle – and Deus Ex fans can expect plenty of combat and dialogue options to mull over late next month.

Mapping out this cause-and-effect chain proved to be a massive undertaking for the team at Eidos Montreal who, according to DeMarle, outlined the outcome of those choices by drafting up “The Tree of Life.”

“We ended up creating what we call The Tree of Life, which tracks all the possible choices in the game — and we did it via Excel, which was probably not the best program for that sort of flowchart!” she laughs.

Following an extensive delay – Eidos’ sequel was originally pegged for release in February – Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will introduce players to the mechanical apartheid on August 23. For more on the follow-up, have a gander at our impressions coming out of E3 2016.