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Diablo III App On Android Will Check Server Status

There is a new app out today for Diablo III users, which will allow them to check the server status of the game, instead of constantly staring at that Error 37 message. If you're bored during those server down times, you could always spend time with your girlfriend or significant other.

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There is a new app out today for Diablo III users, which will allow them to check the server status of the game, instead of constantly staring at that Error 37 message. If you’re bored during those server down times, you could always spend time with your girlfriend or significant other.

The app is available for Android users and was developed by Eluamous, the company which also created other server checking apps for games like World of Warcraft. It grabs server messages from battle.net to determine the status of the server. As you may know, Diablo III launched this past Tuesday and suffered overwhelming server problems.

If you’ve been playing Diablo III this week, have you been encountering any server issues? If so, let us know in the comments below and tell us what you’ve done to pass the time.

Source: Joystiq