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Diablo III Getting Necromancer Class And Original Diablo Event In 2017

Following a concept art leak earlier this week, Blizzard has officially confirmed that the Necromancer class is returning to Diablo 3. The four years in the making news came during the developer's Blizzcon 2016 Opening Ceremony.


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Following a concept art leak earlier this week, Blizzard has officially confirmed that the Necromancer class is returning to Diablo III. The four years in the making news came during the developer’s Blizzcon 2016 Opening Ceremony.

Introduced by Blizzard co-founder Frank Pearce, the Necromancer hearkens back to the glory days of Diablo III. The class is heavily inspired by D2’s version of the character, but will “take advantage of everything Diablo III has to offer.”

Players will have the option of choosing either a male or female version of the character, which differs from past versions of the class. In addition to the character, the pack also comes with an in-game pet, two additional character slots, a portrait frame, pennant, banner, and banner sigil.

Although currently scheduled to release sometime in 2017, Blizzard has yet to confirm a firm release date for the Necromancer pack. Pricing also remains a mystery, but we do know that PC owners will need both the base game and the Reaper of Souls expansion, and console owners will need the Ultimate Evil Edition of the game in order to have access to the character.

The Necromancer wasn’t the only Diablo III-related news to be announced at Blizzcon, however. Set to go live in January 2017, The Darkening of Tristram event pays homage to the game that started it all.

Based around the original Diablo, which was released almost twenty years ago on December 31, 1996, The Darkening of Tristram will feature all 16 levels from the first game. Rather than recreate the levels in the style of Diablo III though, Blizzard has instead opted to present the event in “retro vision.” This stylized filter makes the game look like it came straight from 1996, complete with pixelated graphics and limited audio.

Those who choose to complete the limited event will receive special loot inspired by Diablo. The Soulstone is the first helmet slot legendary gem available for Diablo III, while the Butcher’s Cleaver and Wirt’s Leg are two throwback transmogs that will be unlockable.

Fans of both the original and Diablo III can look forward to The Darkening of Tristram event returning every January going forward.