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Did this website just tease a new setting for BioShock 4?

BioShock Big Daddy
2K Games

It has been almost nine years since BioShock Infinite was first released on seventh-generation consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360. However, the themes of racism and American exceptionalism that are omnipresent in the game feel as though they were tailor-made for the sociopolitical climate of today. Nevertheless, fans are clamouring for a new experience with BioShock 4 and they may have just received a major clue about the game’s setting.

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Fans recently uncovered a website at theresalwaysalighthouse.com, a URL that directly references a line of dialogue from Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite. As of this writing, only an artistic rendering of a starry sky and a “stay tuned” message — which acts as the site name on browser tabs — can be found on the page.

Given the site’s sudden popularity and the fact that The Game Awards are set to occur on December 9, not to mention the Infinite reference, fans are looking to the page for clues about the next BioShock instalment. To that end, a popular theory is that the starry sky image could be hinting at a space setting for the fourth game.

Not everyone is convinced about the meaning behind the site and/or the image, though.

Per GameRant, the site may not be as new as some are claiming; its origins have been traced back at least a year to 2020.

Here is what we do know: in December of 2019, 2K Games confirmed that a new BioShock title, presumably BioShock 4, was in active development as relayed by EuroGamer. However, the game, which is being developed at the publisher’s Cloud Chamber studio, was said to be “several” years away.

More information may just come to light at The Game Awards. Until then, though, a new space setting should probably be treated as little more than a rumor.