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DLC Content For Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Will Remain Exclusive To PlayStation Platforms For 30 Days

Ahead of its release in November, Activision has confirmed that PlayStation platforms will enjoy a 30-day exclusivity period on all DCL content for Call of Duty: Black Ops III as per the new-fangled agreement between the publisher and Sony.


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Ahead of its release in November, Activision has confirmed that PlayStation platforms will enjoy a 30-day exclusivity period on all DLC content for Call of Duty: Black Ops III as per the new-fangled agreement between the publisher and Sony. How the tables have turned.

Up until the release of Treyarch’s threequel, Activision’s billion dollar baby has been synonymous with Microsoft platforms, with all advertising and promotional material for the shooter linked to Xbox platforms. All of that is set to change, though, now that Sony has locked down a deal that will ensure PlayStation acts as the new home for Call of Duty, and this 30-day exclusivity period will become the new norm from Black Ops III onwards.


During Sony’s E3 press event last week, Andrew House didn’t specifically state that the platform-exclusive hold on DLC would carry over following the deal, though Adam Boyes confirmed the tidbit in a recent interview with Kotaku.

While it’s easy to pigeonhole Activision’s behemoth for its lack of innovation, not to mention how sales figures for the franchise have begun to show signs of plateauing, the recent deal could prove to be a major coup for Sony overall. After all, despite Killzone‘s best efforts, the platform holder has traditionally lacked a bona fide shooter to lock horns with Halo, and even though Call of Duty: Black Ops III will be available on other systems, Sony having a firm grasp on the mind share for this year’s release could prove indispensable.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III will drag the franchise into the year 2067 when it deploys for duty on November 6, 2015.