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Let Your Dog Ride Shotgun In These Grand Theft Auto V Screenshots

Rockstar Games released a set of five new Grand Theft Auto V screenshots this morning under the headline "Happy Holidays - Enjoy", which is going to be next to impossible now because these screens look amazing and none of us can play the game over the Holiday break.

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Rockstar Games released a set of five new Grand Theft Auto V screenshots this morning under the headline “Happy Holidays – Enjoy”, which is going to be next to impossible now because these screens look amazing and none of us can play the game over the Holiday break.

This new batch of screenshots gives us our first look at some of GTA V‘s underwater gameplay aspects, which have until now only been briefly mentioned by Rockstar. It appears that the title will include at least two different ways to get down where it’s wetter, scuba gear and a personal submarine. If you plan on taking a trip under the sea when the game launches I would recommend ditching the scuba gear and sticking with the personal sub. Seems like the safer option with that giant shark swimming around.

There is also new screenshot showing some of the game’s aircraft and its three main protagonists; Trevor, Franklin and Michael. However, the best Grand Theft Auto V asset of the bunch reveals that you will be able to let your in-game Rottweiler ride shotgun while cruising around the streets of Los Santos.

Honestly, life just doesn’t get better than that.

Rockstar Games has not yet set a release date for Grand Theft Auto V, however, it is confirmed for release on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Since the rumor mill currently places the launch of the next Xbox in time for the 2013 Holiday shopping season, it seems reasonable to assume that we will be hitting the road with our GTA pup around the middle of next year.

That’s just a bit of speculation on our part though, so take it with a grain of salt. As soon as something official is announced we will let you know, until then enjoy the new Holiday screenshots in the gallery below.