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Double Fine Adventure Announced For PC, Mac, Linux, iOS And Android

Last night, Tim Schafer update his Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter campaign page to thank backers for raising "a little bit more money than they thought they would get". He also stated that the adventure game will be developed for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and "certain" Android devices.

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Last night, Tim Schafer update his Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter campaign page to thank backers for raising “a little bit more money than they thought they would get”. He also stated that the adventure game will be developed for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and “certain” Android devices.

As of the time of publication, the Kickstarter campaign has raised almost $1.9m, blowing away Schafer’s original goal of $400K. As he explained in the video update, embedded below, the extra money will not only allow them to release the game for the announced platforms, but it will also cover voice acting and localization costs for different regions.

Campaign contributions have slowed down recently from their initial frenzied pace but are still rolling along nicely and there are 26 days left to go. With the amount of time left in the campaign, it seems entirely possible that we can expect to hear about more new additions and features to the Double Fine Adventure game before all is said and done.

Source: Joystiq