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Double Fine Releases A Psychonauts Making-Of Documentary

The last few days have been a Psychonauts fan's dream. Just over a week ago, the game was simply known as a cult classic whose unfortunate commercial failure had caused it to fall into the depths of obscurity, unfairly missing out on the respect and fond remembrance it deserved. With the announcement of Psychonauts 2 at The Game Awards 2015, however, Double Fine Productions, along with the help of a few enthusiastic financial backers on Fig, have rekindled the fire, and it looks like Raz is finally ready to kickstart his psychic abilities for the new generation.

The last few days have been a Psychonauts fan’s dream. Just over a week ago, the game was simply known as a cult classic whose unfortunate commercial failure had caused it to fall into the depths of obscurity, unfairly missing out on the respect and fond remembrance it deserved.

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With the announcement of Psychonauts 2 at The Game Awards 2015, however, Double Fine Productions, along with the help of a few enthusiastic financial backers on Fig, have rekindled the fire, and it looks like Raz is finally ready to kickstart his psychic abilities for the new generation.

With the planned sequel’s funding campaign thriving, Double Fine is celebrating the original by releasing a new behind-the-scenes documentary on YouTube titledĀ The Color Of The Sky In Your World, which gives a retrospective take on 2005’s telepathic adventure, which was also the studio’s debut title.

Featuring most prominently in the film is Tim Schafer, the company’s founder and Psychonauts‘ director. It is labelled as part one, so expect more to be on the way further down the line. This first part though is mainly focused on the origins of the studio and how Schafer came up with the initial concept.

Schafer and the rest of the Double Fine team are clearly no strangers to having a film crew around the office, as they had a similar documentary made chronicling the production of the developer’s last game, Broken Age.

If you have twenty minutes to spare and have even just a passing interest in the world of game design and the creative process of making a game, then this documentary is worth a watch. And if watching the video gets you in the mood to play some Psychonauts, or if you are just curious to see what all the fuss is about, it’s currently available for Windows, Mac and Linux.