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Double Fine Splitting Broken Age In Two Worked, Says Tim Schafer

Good news for anybody who enjoyed the first half of Double Fine's Kickstarter-funded adventure game Broken Age, which was released to the public last month. Tim Schafer, the company's founder and director of this particular title, has said that his decision to split the game into two separate halves has paid off.


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Good news for anybody who enjoyed the first half of Double Fine’s Kickstarter-funded adventure game Broken Age, which was released to the public last month. Tim Schafer, the company’s founder and director of this particular title, has said that his decision to split the game into two separate halves has paid off. “We’ve made enough that we can make the second half of the game for sure,” he was recently quoted as saying.

Originally planned to be one big game, and raising over $3 million in Kickstarter crowdfunding, Schafer made the controversial decision midway through production to split the game into two “acts,” offering the first one for purchase in January and making the second one available for free via a software patch later this year. The apparent reason behind this decision was so that profits made from the first act could further benefit development of the second.

Naturally, a decision like this certainly drew some controversy from fans, and as Schafer said reflecting on initial reactions, “That was really a lesson for us, learning that even though our backers are really well informed, the rest of the world hadn’t really heard of us since the Kickstarter happened.” Schafer also noted that work on the first act isn’t completely done, as the developer is working on an iPad version of it to complement the already-released Windows, Mac and Linux versions.

Did you enjoy the first part of Broken Age? Sound off below!