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Dragon’s Dogma Release Date Announced, Includes Resident Evil 6 Demo

Zone of the Enders. Crackdown. Dragon's Dogma. What do these games have in common? They all came with highly anticipated demos, Metal Gear Solid 2, Halo 3 and now Resident Evil 6, respectively. Oh, and now we know when you'll be able to get your hands on Dragon's Dogma.

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Zone of the Enders. Crackdown. Dragon’s Dogma. What do these games have in common? They all came with highly anticipated demos, Metal Gear Solid 2, Halo 3 and now Resident Evil 6, respectively. Oh, and now we know when you’ll be able to get your hands on Dragon’s Dogma.

The magic date is May 22. That’s when you’ll be able to get your hands on the new Monster Hunter eastern take on western RPGs, Capcom‘s Dragon’s Dogma.

Perhaps the bit that more people will be interested in is the voucher included in all copies of the game for a demo of Resident Evil 6. Xbox 360 owners will be able to download the demo starting on July 3. PS3 owners will have to wait until September 4. Regardless, considering the game doesn’t come out until November, that’s still an impressive amount of pre-release excitement.

And because I know how much you all love pre-order DLC, Capcom also announced what you’ll get if you order from where. Pick up your copy from GameStop and you’ll get the “Pawn Upgrade Pack,” Best Buy offers the “Armor Upgrade Pack,” and Amazon is offering the “Weapon Upgrade Pack.”

Lastly, we’ve got a new trailer showing off some of the single player story for the game.

See for yourself.

Looks pretty exciting. Graphics are good, combat looks engaging and the characters are-HOLY CRAP WAS THAT DRAGON TALKING?!