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Yet Another Dying Light Trailer Has Hit The Web

It's finally to the point where we're just five days away from the release of Dying Light, meaning that it won't be long before we'll be mixing parkour and melee weapons in order to deliver devastatingly brutal attacks on plenty of undead foes.

It’s finally to the point where we’re just five days away from the release of Dying Light, meaning that it won’t be long before we’ll be mixing parkour and melee weapons in order to deliver devastatingly brutal attacks on plenty of undead foes.

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Unsurprisingly, yet another trailer for the aforementioned zombie survival title has hit the Internet, offering us a brief but satisfying look at what could easily end up being one of 2015’s biggest surprises. However, while each new snippet of gameplay that I’ve seen has made me more excited for the game, trailer fatigue started to set in weeks ago. Outside of Ubisoft’s holiday line-up, it’s tough to think of a more heavily promoted game than Dying Light, and it’s getting to be too much.

See the new trailer for yourself, then let us know what you think via our comments section. I’m particularly curious to find out if others feel the same way that I do: Excited and dripping with anticipation, yet sick of all of the in-your-face promotion that we’ve been inundated with over the last few months.

Dying Light will infect PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC this Tuesday, January 27th. Stay tuned for our full review, which will likely be up sometime post-launch.