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5 Reasons Why The Final Fantasy VII Remake Is A Great Idea (And 2 Reasons Why It’s Not)

Choosing a favourite video game of all-time is an extremely difficult task, but if push came to shove, a huge percentage of gamers out there would select Final Fantasy VII as their all-time favourite. Japanese role playing games were already successful to a point, but it was the seventh instalment of the series that popularized the genre worldwide and changed the landscape of gaming forever.

3) Introduce FFVII To A New Generation

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No one wants to be that old person preaching to the youth about how music/games/Tom Cruise films were better back in their day, but FFVII will soon be twenty years old and its doubtful that many young gamers today would be keen to try a direct port of the game when Assassins Creed 14 has just been released.

A new generation of gamers put off by the old-fashioned gameplay and even older graphics of the original FFVII deserve a chance to be blown away by one of the greatest games ever made. It’s simple as that. The iconic characters and unforgettable storyline could still have the same impact that the original FFVII had all those many years ago.

Off the top of my head, it’s hard to think of many games that people look back on this fondly and although, nostalgia is a powerful thing, those who have played FFVII more recently through Steam or the online Playstation Store can attest that the game is still an incredible achievement, even today.