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5 Reasons Why The Final Fantasy VII Remake Is A Great Idea (And 2 Reasons Why It’s Not)

Choosing a favourite video game of all-time is an extremely difficult task, but if push came to shove, a huge percentage of gamers out there would select Final Fantasy VII as their all-time favourite. Japanese role playing games were already successful to a point, but it was the seventh instalment of the series that popularized the genre worldwide and changed the landscape of gaming forever.

5) Plot Changes

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This might sound like a negative, but the plot of the FFVII remake could actually benefit from some changes. Now hear me out, before you assume that I’m condoning they butcher the story or that I even dislike the original plot.

The tale of Cloud’s fight to protect Gaia from the forces of Shinra is epic storytelling at its best. FFVII produced some of the most memorable video game characters of all-time, making it hard for players to choose a dream team once they reached that final disc. While subsequent instalments in the franchise are unfairly overlooked in the aftermath of FFVII’s popularity, it’s hard to find a more compelling villain than Sephiroth or even a more poignant moment than the loss of Aerith.


At the risk of inciting the wrath of millions, or the far smaller number who have continued reading up to this point, a remake of FFVII would certainly benefit from a few changes here and there. The developers have already promised that they will be making some alterations and although this may instil fear in some, this could turn out to be the best thing about the game.

What made the original story so compelling in the first place is the twists and turns that shocked players who were fully engrossed in the story. Those wishing to experience FFVII again will already know everything that’s going to happen, so the smart move would be for the developers to play with our preconceptions and shock us in all new ways. Of course, this could also backfire and incite millions of fans to burn down Square Enix HQ in a mad rage, which leads us to a couple of reasons why the FFVII remake might not be such a good idea…