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5 Reasons Why The Final Fantasy VII Remake Is A Great Idea (And 2 Reasons Why It’s Not)

Choosing a favourite video game of all-time is an extremely difficult task, but if push came to shove, a huge percentage of gamers out there would select Final Fantasy VII as their all-time favourite. Japanese role playing games were already successful to a point, but it was the seventh instalment of the series that popularized the genre worldwide and changed the landscape of gaming forever.

2) Looking Back Isn’t Always A Good Thing…

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It’s no secret. In a cynical bid to cash in, Hollywood has become obsessed with the past. There are currently over a hundred sequels in development and the trend for remakes, reboots, prequels, sequels, threequels and god knows what else is only accelerating. Although there are exceptions to the rule, this has led many to believe that there’s been a genuine decline in cinematic quality. The question here though is whether the announcement of the FFVII remake signals a similar trend heading to the video game industry?

There’s two ways of looking at this. On the one hand, Square Enix are giving the fans what they want, celebrating an iconic moment from the company’s past in a way that appeals directly to the nostalgia of loyal gamers. However, there are also those out there who see the remake as a money grabbing attempt to ride off past successes.


Whether the FFVII remake is good or not, Square Enix will still build money forts with their earnings for generations to come. The new FFVII is a guaranteed gold mine for the company, so let’s hope Square put the time and effort into ensuring that the game lives up to the high standards of fans worldwide.

Should Square Enix look back or focus on exciting new games? Will the FFVII remake live up to the hype? And will Cloud wear a dress again? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.