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NBA Live 13 Officially Cancelled

NBA Live 13, EA Sports' upcoming basketball game, is no more. Originally scheduled for an Xbox 360 and PS3 release in October and already recently delayed, the game has apparently fallen victim to development problems and has been confirmed to be cancelled by the publisher.

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NBA Live 13, EA Sports’ upcoming basketball game, is no more. Originally scheduled for an Xbox 360 and PS3 release in October and already recently delayed, the game has apparently fallen victim to development problems and has been confirmed to be cancelled by the publisher.

The game’s termination continues a string of unfortunate setbacks for the series, as EA’s previously scheduled basketball title, NBA Elite 11, was also previously cancelled. This will mark the third straight year without a new game in the series.

EA Sports Executive Vice President Andrew Wilson said in a news release that rather than continuously delaying NBA Live 13 until midway through the actual basketball season, the company will shift their focus to next year, and focus on ensuring that the next title is of proper quality.

We will keep you updated on any new announcements regarding future NBA games. In the meantime though, let us know in the comments if you’re upset about the cancellation.