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EA Isn’t Averse To Releasing Games On The Nintendo NX When It Releases Next Year

In a recent interview with the BBC (via VideoGamer), EA Studios' vice president Patrick Soderland told the website that the company is in "constant communication with them [Nintendo], and on the basis that the Nintendo NX's focus falls in line with their own, EA will have no qualms with supporting the hardware with third-party titles.


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In a recent interview with the BBC (via VideoGamer), EA Studios’ vice president Patrick Soderland told the website that the company is in “constant communication with them [Nintendo],” and on the basis that the Nintendo NX‘s focus falls in line with their own, EA will have no qualms with supporting the hardware with third-party titles.

When asked if EA would release this year’s Battlefield 1 and other upcoming games on the platform, Soderland said:

I personally and the company are huge fans of Nintendo, they’re the reason why I started making games. We’re in constant communication with them and when they come to market something – and if it makes sense for us – we’ll be there.

It’s still unclear as to what form exactly the NX will take – rumors of a console/handheld hybrid seem to be the most prevalent ones doing the rounds currently – but if it ultimately ends up having a similar gimmick to the Wii U’s touch screen GamePad or ships with weaker hardware than the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, third-party support may taper off extremely fast. EA themselves dropped support for the console not long after its release.

The Nintendo NX launches in March next year, but won’t be present at E3 in June. Expect to see and hear more about the mysterious console later this year.