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EA Trademarks, Registers And Teases Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst

When it hits retail and digital store shelves, Mirror's Edge 2 may bear a new subtitle. That is, if a suspicious Electronic Arts tweet, domain and trademark filing are related to the interactive project.

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When it hits retail and digital store shelves, Mirror’s Edge 2 may bear a new subtitle. That is, if a suspicious Electronic Arts tweet, domain and trademark filing are related to the interactive project.

Earlier today, an intrepid NeoGAF user posted documentation related to a trademark filing EA submitted for Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst. Then, following that, a registered domain popped up under the same name. That wasn’t the end of it, though, as Electronic Arts also went ahead and tweeted an image showing the definition of the word “catalyst,” with a #MirrorsEdge hashtag above it.

Needless to say, it’s looking as if Faith’s origin story will be named Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst, as opposed to Mirror’s Edge 2. This is still a rumour, though, so take everything with a grain of salt until there’s an official comment on the matter.

With E3 coming up next week, expect more on the new Mirror’s Edge shortly.