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[Update] Electronic Arts’ Fiscal Year 2013 Lineup Reveals Possible Fuse Delay

Electronic Arts updated their software lineup for the remainder of their current fiscal year this afternoon, revealing a possible delay for Insomnia Games' third person co-op shooter Fuse.

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Electronic Arts updated their software lineup for the remainder of their current fiscal year this afternoon, revealing a possible delay for Insomnia Games’ third person co-op shooter Fuse.

As part of the publisher’s third quarter earnings report Electronic Arts provided investors with a full rundown of all the titles that they have released (or plan to release) during the current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2013. For the remaining fourth quarter the publisher noted that they will launch the following five titles; Sim City, Crysis 3, Dead Space 3, Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel, and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2014. Noticeably missing from the lineup was any mention of Insomniac Games’ Fuse, which was announced last year with an expected release date of March 2013.

Last week VideoGamer reported that UK retailer GAME has updated their online listing for Fuse to show that the game would be released on April 30th. GAME later changed the date on the listing to read “TBC – 2013”. Electronic Arts was contacted about a potential delay for the shooter, however, a company representative would only say that they had “no comment regarding this at present”.

Currently the official Fuse website still lists the shooter as being available in “March 2013”.

We have contacted Electronic Arts to inquire about a possible delay for Fuse and will update this post with any additional information as it comes in.

[Update 1] Electronic Arts has confirmed during their investor conference call that Insomniac Games’ Fuse has been delayed to the first quarter of the publisher’s fiscal 2014. This would put the game’s new release date between April 1, 2013 and July 31, 2013.

[Update 2] VentureBeat is reporting that Electronic Arts’ chief operating officer Peter Moore stated that during the earnings call that “… Insomniac Games are putting a lot of polish into Fuse. The extra work will pay off for players.”