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Extended Gameplay Demo For E3 Indie Darling Unravel Tugs At Our Heartstrings

In hindsight, EA's press conference may go down as one of the more disappointing affairs of E3 2015, but that's not to say the event was without highlights of its own. Sandwiched in between triple-A titans such as Star Wars Battlefront and Mass Effect Andromeda was Martin Sahlin's peculiar indie platformer, Unravel.

In hindsight, EA’s press conference may go down as one of the more disappointing affairs of E3 2015, but that’s not to say the event was without highlights of its own. Sandwiched in between triple-A titans such as Star Wars Battlefront and Mass Effect Andromeda was Martin Sahlin’s peculiar indie platformer, Unravel.

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Such was the visual quality of Sahlin’s title that it even managed to eclipse the likes of Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst and Battlefront to be one of the most remarkable announcements at EA’s presser. But there’s much more to Unravel that mere aesthetics, and PlayStation Blog recently sat down with the Creative Director himself for an extended gameplay demo, one in which he recounts the origins behind the game, its inspirations and injecting a tangible feeling of adventure in the player.

Starring Yarny as the atypical hero, Unravel is essentially a physics-based platformer in development at a small Swedish studio called Coldwood. Acting as the company’s maiden release, the genre title is tapestry of ideas both old and new, and one quick glance at the game will conjure up a cross between Rayman and LittleBigPlanet.

Cutesy though it may be, there’s also an underlying melancholy to Coldwood’s game that arguably separates it from its genre contemporaries. Sahlin remained mum about when exactly we can expect Unravel to launch, though it’s expected to release across PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.