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From Fallout 3 To BioShock Infinite: Video Game Follow-Ups That Sidestep Sequelitis

When video game critic Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw proposed that developers should be banned from ever making a sequel to their games, many people would have nodded at their screens in quiet, contemplative agreement. By not allowing studios to create a franchise, you force them to come up with original ideas with each title.

6) Quake 2

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Quake 22

Though it didn’t score as highly as its predecessor, id Software’s sequel to the hugely popular FPS game Quake was a massive hit, becoming the most played online title in 1998. It did something that not many sequels have been able to do, it became a separate game in its own right by re-inventing itself and diverging away from the horror element that made the original so special.

After designer John Romero left the company in 1996, id lost one of its most creative innovators. The man was responsible for helping to shape the modern FPS game and inspiring a generation of developers across the world. So with Romero out of the picture, how could Quake 2 hope to make an impact on the gaming community? Simple: by distancing itself from its predecessor.

By changing tact completely and focusing on a more action-oriented approach, rather than the horror aspect of the original, Quake 2 avoided the rookie mistake of being compared to previous, more successful titles and losing out almost by proxy. By doing this, the game was able to stand on its own merits.

Quake 2 may be a sequel in name only, but it didn’t completely sever ties to its ancestors, utilizing sound effects from Quake and re-introducing Doom‘s famous BFG weapon as a nod to the game’s (and developer’s) roots. You can definitely say that fans were pleased with this one.