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FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Legends To Remain Exclusive To Xbox

EA Sports has announced that the Xbox One and Xbox 360 will once again have exclusive access to the Ultimate Team Legends feature in the upcoming FIFA 15. The latest entry in the massively popular sports franchise will still be available on just about every platform out there, of course.


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EA Sports has announced that the Xbox One and Xbox 360 will once again have exclusive access to the Ultimate Team Legends feature in the upcoming FIFA 15. The latest entry in the massively popular sports franchise will still be available on just about every platform out there, of course.

Introduced in last year’s FIFA 14, the Ultimate Team Legends feature allows players to acquire soccer legends such as PelĂ© and Marco Van Basten for use in online tournaments and games. No specific players have been announced for FIFA 15 yet, but one would assume that most of the legends included last year will make a return.

Although I’m not the biggest soccer fan out there (I did win a championship with a local team when I was younger, though), I do think it is a little annoying that this feature is once again exclusive to one brand. FIFA 15 is going to be a massive seller worldwide and I’m sure plenty of non-Xbox owning gamers would welcome the opportunity to play with these legends with open arms.

We will continue to have coverage of FIFA 15 in the lead-up to its September 23 release in North America.