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Forbes Claims PlayStation 4 Is In The Works, AMD Supplying Processor

A new report from Forbes, citing unnamed AMD employees, is claiming that Sony is currently knee-deep in the development of a new video game console, presumably called the PlayStation 4, which will use one of AMD's graphic processors. If true, this would be a switch from the PS3, which uses Nvidia for its graphics tech.

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A new report from Forbes, citing unnamed AMD employees, is claiming that Sony is currently knee-deep in the development of a new video game console, presumably called the PlayStation 4, which will use one of AMD’s graphic processors. If true, this would be a switch from the PS3, which uses Nvidia for its graphics tech.

Both Sony and AMD officially declined to comment on the story, however, AMD’s CFO revealed last month that “gaming” would be one of several factors that would “drive revenue growth” for the company in 2012. Additionally, Sony’s CFO confirmed that the company was in the process of developing their next video game console back in May 2011.

It’s completely reasonable to assume that the PlayStation 4 is in development because hardware manufacturing companies basically operate in a continues state of product development, often with the development of the next product starting in conceptual phase before the current product is out the door. Despite that, it is highly unlikely that Sony will announce a new console this year let alone launch a new product. Their hands are currently full with launching the Vita, and even the announcement of a new console this year will hurt both Vita and PS3 sales.

Source: Forbes