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6 Games Coming In 2018 That We Can’t Wait To See More Of

It's mind-boggling to think that the busiest part of the year, as far as the video game calendar is concerned, is yet to arrive. So far in 2017, nearly every single month has marked the arrival of a highly-anticipated title or long-awaited hardware launch, all of which have done their darnedest to take a cut of your hard-earned paycheck. Sony, in particular, has gone above and beyond the call of duty by bringing PlayStation 4 owners some of the best console exclusives to date in the form of Nioh and NieR: Automata, as well as first-party, triple-A whoppers like Horizon Zero Dawn.

3) Shenmue III

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Didn’t Sony simply have the best ever E3 in 2015? I mean, besides the fact that Square Enix gave it the enviable honor of confirming the existence of a Final Fantasy VII remake to millions of onlookers, that very same stage marked the moment when Shenmue III clawed its way out of development hell and back into the realm of the living. The announcement of both is about the closest the video game world can get to performing miracles; Sony would have definitely been in line for a Sainthood, had it announced Half-Life 3 as a PlayStation 4 exclusive shortly after.

Still, two out of three is good enough for us and yet, even though it’s had years to sink in, the fact that Shenmue III is, as you read these words, in active development, is cause enough to prompt a self-inflicted pinch on the odd occasion. Almost never, does such a revival ever make it from concept to reality after so much time has passed, certainly not with the original creator in charge, at least.

But then, Yu Suzuki strikes me as a man that never gives up on his goals, and while it may have taken him over a decade to make it so, Ryo Hazuki’s quest to avenge his father’s death at the hands of Lan Di will, at long last, receive a conclusion. With such obvious dedication, I have no doubt that Mr. Suzuki will do his utmost to give Shenmue fans the follow-up they deserve, but there are concerns.

Both of the original games are considered to be among some of the best ever made, not least for having pioneered several lauded gameplay mechanics that we take for granted today, and living up to that reputation is going to be extremely tough. At this point in time, it’s normal for fans to have concerns, but with the sequel now not due until the latter half of 2018, Suzuki and his team at Ys Net have plenty of time to get Shenmue III into shape.

It shouldn’t be long now until we get a gameplay reveal. Fingers crossed, eh?