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Get Your First Good Look At Dark Souls III In This Brand New Gameplay Trailer

Packed between myriad other world premieres and announcements at Microsoft's Gamescom briefing this year was a gameplay trailer for Dark Souls III. The blink-and-you'll-miss-it reveal only lasted for a painfully short few minutes, but no matter - the world finally knows what the game is going to look like.

Packed between myriad other world premieres and announcements at Microsoft’s Gamescom briefing this year was a gameplay trailer for Dark Souls III. The blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reveal only lasted for a painfully short few minutes, but no matter – the world finally knows what the game is going to look like.

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We’ll save you the trouble of watching it right now and tell you that Dark Souls III looks fantastic. It’s not like you weren’t expecting that to be the case anyway, but now you have actual, visual evidence to back up that expectation.

True to form, the threequel’s world looks every bit as dank, dark and depressing as its two predecessors, but this time around, there seems to be a pretty huge difference between this game and everything that’s come before it.

It seems that Hidetaki Miyazaki’s critically-acclaimed PlayStation 4 exclusive, Bloodborne, has rubbed off on the development process of Dark Souls III quite a lot. The slow and considered combat of past games in the series seems to have been ramped up some this time around, with the player character attacking, dodging and moving in a much more fluid and faster style than Dark Souls fans may be used to.

The change will undoubtedly upset some, but gameplay needs to be kept fresh to prevent staleness. We’ll just have to wait and see what other changes – if any – From Software have made to Dark Souls III, but stay tuned for any and all updates.