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Gravity Rush Remaster Potentially Headed To PlayStation 4

If a leaked Korean ratings board listing is to be believed, then Project Siren's Gravity Rush could be headed to the PlayStation 4. The listing was posted earlier this morning, and was discovered by the folks over at NeoGAF.


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If a leaked Korean Games Ratings Board listing is to be believed, then Project Siren’s Gravity Rush could be headed to the PlayStation 4. The listing was posted earlier this morning and was discovered by the folks over at NeoGAF.

Originally released for the PlayStation Vita back in 2012, Gravity Rush is an action-adventure title that places a strong emphasis on the manipulation of gravity. Players control the amnesia-stricken Kat as she traverses the floating city of Hekseville and protects civilians from the Nevi monster invasion.

A follow-up to the title was originally announced at the 2013 Tokyo Game Show, but Project Siren has remained mum on it since then. While not quite the sequel fans wanted, at least a PS4 remaster of Gravity Rush demonstrates that Sony isn’t done with the IP quite yet.

As with all leaked listings, this remaster is just a rumor for now. With that said, the Korean Games Ratings Board has been pretty accurate with their listings over the years. As a post on NeoGAF pointed out, the KGRB has posted listings for the console-port of Crysis and the recent HD remaster of Resident Evil before official announcements had been made.

As someone who never purchased a PlayStation Vita, I have been always curious about Gravity Rush. Besides the solid reviews for the title, I’ve always been drawn to games that have unique environments. The floating world of Hekseville more than fits that description, and if the game’s motion controls can work with the DualShock 4, than I don’t see why Project Siren shouldn’t port it over.

Tell us, would you be interested in experiencing Gravity Rush on the PlayStation 4? Let us know what you think of this potential remaster in the comments section below.