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8 Essential Cyberpunk Games That You Need To Play

Cyberpunk: a dark vision of the future in which technology has shaped social order. The thematic concept of “high tech low life” was first pioneered by authors such as William Gibson and Philip K. Dick with their respective novels Neuromancer and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Blade Runner), but the genre has since spilled over to other mediums including video games, resulting in some of the most grimly fascinating and atmospheric games of all-time.

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So there you have our list of the greatest cyberpunk games ever made. Of course, given the recent release of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, we couldn’t help but detail some of our honorable mentions, which includes the aforementioned latest Deus Ex game. Mankind Divided is a more than worthy successor to Human Revolution, and while it might not have evolved the series far enough from Human Revolution, it’s still a solid game that cyberpunk fans, and especially fans of the Deus Ex franchise, will absolutely enjoy. You can check out our review of the game here for more.

Final Fantasy VII was also in contention for our list. The city of Midgar is well realized cyberpunk world in which its inhabitants are desperately oppressed by an evil corporation whose greed has created a shocking inequality between rich and poor. Though, ultimately, the game slowly abandons cyberpunk for fantasy as the narrative progresses, meaning that it misses out on a spot despite being one of the best games ever made.

Other titles such as Dontnod Entertainment’s Remember Me, Midboss’s Read Only Memories, and Bungie’s third person action adventure game Oni also deserve an honorable mention – they’re all well worth checking out if you’re craving a cyberpunk gaming experience.