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Head Online With EA’s Latest Medal Of Honor: Warfighter Trailer

Apparently Medal of Honor: Warfighter will feature an incredible multiplayer mode. At least, that's what the game's latest trailer tells us through its mixture of gameplay action and praise-based overlays.

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Apparently Medal of Honor: Warfighter will feature an incredible multiplayer mode. At least, that’s what the game’s latest trailer tells us through its mixture of gameplay action and praise-based overlays. Though, it does seem like the quotes are on to something as all of the shown competitive/player-on-player action looks great.

When Danger Close released its Medal of Honor reboot in 2010, I was impressed by the realism that its campaign showed. However, the game’s multiplayer mode was far less interesting. Granted, it was developed by a different studio (DICE). Thankfully, only the one EA-owned studio will be working on this sequel, giving me hope that its online content will be much better than that of its predecessor.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter will launch on October 23.