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Imminent No Man’s Sky Patch Will Make People “Very Happy,” Hello Games Contemplates Paid DLC

Hello Games head Sean Murray has confirmed that a No Man's Sky patch is on the way and it'll "make some people very happy."

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One week on from the launch of No Man’s Sky and developer Hello Games is still hard at work on its ambitious space title.

Case in point: Studio head Sean Murray recently took to Twitter to reveal that a patch is imminent, and it’ll seemingly make some players “very happy.” Murray stopped short of revealing an exact timeline for the update, though we understand it’ll land for both PS4 and the troubled PC version of NMS.

There’s also no mention of what the patch will actually add, improve or indeed fix, but we’ll keep you posted nonetheless. Elsewhere, Sean Murray touched base on the topic of paid-for DLC in an interview with Daily Star, admitting that he was “perhaps naive” for claiming that all future updates for No Man’s Sky would launch free of charge.

Prior to the game’s release last week, Hello Games was said to be working on new features that included “the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters” but again, no timeline was disclosed. As for the issue of paid DLC, Murray noted that “maybe in the future there’s some reason why we just couldn’t possibly afford to do a certain feature without charging for it.”

No Man’s Sky launched last week across PS4 and PC and already Hello Games’ spacefaring adventure has proven rather divisive. What do you think of it so far, though? Drop a comment below and let us know!